projects. recent work. a collection of fun stuff i've made.

duck site repo


ruby on rails two-sided marketplace

The dev-duck-swap market place application provides a two-sided market-place for developers to find, buy and sell experienced debugging ducks.

link codepen

link drawing

pure CSS art

Drawing with CSS using border radius and gradients

dog repo

bot dog

ruby terminal app

BotDog is a Tamagotchi style game, giving devs a pet dog to feed, pat and play with from the command line.

duck codepen

debug duck

CSS & JS art

Drawing with CSS and animating with JS + CSS

pikachu codepen

pikachu drawing

animated CSS art

Drawing and animating with CSS

website screenshot repo

portfolio site

html & scss

This is my very first website creation using HTML & SCSS! I love colour and wanted to inject some fun and personality into this project.